01. See what the lord has done
See what the lord has done
What we waited for has come to pass
See what the lord has done 🎵


I appreciate God Almighty for his unending mercies and goodness to my family and I.

1. I received yesterday the good news of success in the exam I appeared for in Edinburgh in June 2023.
I give God all the praise because I never at any time thought or imagined I would enroll for this exams, talk less sailing through the preparations and exam process with ease.

I remember pastor praying with me when I had no funds to process visa or book travel ticket after registering for the exams. Pastor Kingsley declared that funds would come miraculously and it happened so. God supernaturally provided all I needed for every stage of the journey from start to finish.

A day to the exam, pastor prayed with me and God showed himself faithful in the orals/ VIVA exams. My examiners were impressed at most of the stations of the exams. A number of them even said to me you’re doing excellently well, we’re very impressed with you.

God also already gave pastor a word of faith and assurance of success for me before I stepped out of the exam venue. This God is too great to be defined.

I return all the glory to his name forever.


My husband had been awaiting approval of his exam result since he turned in his corrected dissertation about a month ago. We still checked yesterday and it was awaiting approval. I had a prayer session yesterday night and a worship session midnight and lifted this up again to God in prayers. Barely 15 mins after I got to work this morning, my hubby called to give me the goodnews of the approval.
God has been so so good to us.
Please thank this wonderful father for me!


- Olabisi Y.



2.  Of all the 5 things I wrote on the 17th (during the July 2023, 21 days Reactivate Retreat), 3 have been kickstarted and the fruits have budded and started to blossom:


a. More wisdom and strength in my daily endeavor.

b. An accomodation that fit literally all my desires and at no hassle or struggle. One of our sisters shared a testimony on this days ago, and I remembered the Lord also did it for a Pastor abroad. He has been doing these things. Glory to Jesus, My case is not different.

c. He frustrated The Tokens of Liars and False Witnesses and gives me peace and laughter even when they lie in my face.

d. A deeper walk with Jesus. The nature of Love in my Heart and Passion to see His Kingdom come.


Many more but I will stop here for now and update as they come.



- Alasiri. G.



Has the Lord been good to you? Why not share your testimony with us at: testimonies@godshavenofhope.org